Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Are you really living?

If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it’s your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life.

Charles Bukowski

What is your purpose? What are you passionate about? What burns your soul? Are you really living?

Shingai Soniwa

Shingai Soniwa is the lead singer of the songettes. She is so beautiful and natural.

Morning Yoga

This morning I did yoga by using yogatic on youtube.  It is very easy to access and you don't have to pay a dime! I love not having to leave to do yoga.  I just purchased a mat, and I do it in my basement or front room.  This morning's yoga routine felt really good.  I feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  So please give it a try.

Have a blessed day,

Eclectic Soul

Friday, December 21, 2012


This video is so powerful! If you do not know this woman, this beautiful soul queen is Iyanla Vanzant.  In this video she is talking about calling in your inner queen.  Releasing hurt, pain, insecurities and all other things that hold you back.  We as women all are queens.  And sometimes we forget that we are royalty and that we are connected to the Creator.  Sometimes we forget to "tend the kingdom".  We let everything distract us from our true selves.  We are divine, strong creatures.  Beautiful women who have power.  We are queens, and we need to be able to tend to our inner queen.
Stay blessed Queens

 Eclectic Soul

We are more...


Please check out my video on youtube. I know its been a minute since i've posted anything. But I promise when I go to Thailand I will be blogging. 10 more days till i leave for Bangkok!